According to a study by the newspaper La Tribune: “The main causes of accidents at work are, unsurprisingly, linked to activities requiring the greatest physical effort. Materials handling is the cause of 53% of accidents. Physical exertion, carrying regular loads and poor posture are a common cause of sudden back problems”.

In an effort to ensure the protection of workers, on June 12, 1990, the European Union established a directive outlining the procedure for employers regarding the risks associated with manual handling of loads.

Three main areas can be identified:

Risk Assessment: Employers must analyze the hazards associated with manual handling of loads and implement necessary actions to prevent or minimize these risks.

Preventive Measures: The directive encourages the adoption of suitable mechanical devices for load handling, ergonomic design of workstations, provision of personal protective equipment, worker training, etc.

Information and Training: Employers are required to provide workers with necessary information about the loads to be handled and offer the required training to safely carry out manual handling.

Employers should minimize manual handling of loads by workers as much as possible. When unavoidable, they must either reorganize work processes or provide workers with means to minimize the associated risks.

Employers must also ensure that workers have the necessary information regarding products involving heavy lifting, such as weight, recommended postures, tools to use, etc. It is crucial to avoid or reduce musculoskeletal risks by considering the work environment and activity and opting for solutions tailored to the sector and user needs.

Reglift offers handling solutions adaptable to any industry and specific requirements. Our custom products significantly improve the quality of life at work for employees facing challenging and/or repetitive, sometimes monotonous, tasks. Our steel or stainless steel handling carts enable the lifting of heavy loads using tools that are suitable and adjustable for any situation. The carts can carry up to 285 kg.

Feel free to explore our ergonomic handling carts.

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